I’m breathing today…

Don’t fret about me,

I’m doing ok.

I understand that you’re worried,

but I’m grieving my way.

I need to keep busy

or my thoughts start to stray,

I’d sit and dwell if I let me,

but coulda, shoulda won’t pay.

Drugs are a blessing

I’ll damn well numb what I may,

Take a walk wearing my shoes

before having your say.

I understand that you’re worried,

but grief is different each day.

I love you for caring.

I’m doing ok.

15 thoughts on “I’m breathing today…

  1. bruisedbelly says:

    Reblogged this on The Migraine Chronicles and commented:
    Perfectly Wonderful!!


  2. thisoldtoad2014 says:

    Reblogged this on tot123itsme.


  3. thisoldtoad2014 says:

    My hope is by following and reading other great poets such as yourself your little taste of your style imprint on me….


  4. […] I’m breathing today…. […]


  5. rumoredhumor says:

    I love the emotion you put in your poems.


  6. Such a beautiful poem. I found your blog recently and have loved your work. I actually mentioned you in my post about the Versatile Blogger Award. There’s no obligation to take part; it’s just a fun way to let people know you like what they produce. Keep it up! 🙂


  7. SusanB says:

    Great play on words. “I need to keep busy or my thoughts start to (stay),” and around and around they go, stuck in the same sad flight pattern. I relate!
