Alcohol isn’t her friend…

Connors outside eating weeds,

Paige is cooking dinner.

Nix drinks gin at lightening speeds,

then starts behaving like a spinner.

The spinner earns a kicking out,

Her welcome overstayed..

She’s a disrespectful, slurring lout,

Who should stick to lemonade.


Bad books…

I’m sleeping over,

Iv been run out of home.

It’s the doghouse for me,

My friends spare bed’s on loan.

I can’t shut my mouth,

I have opinions to say.

So I’m back in his bad books,

And sent on my way.

Grey days…

A long ago friend

who went right off the rail

made a few bad decisions

and wound up in jail.

Years have gone by

since we had any ties,

tonight the phone rang

with a delightful surprise.

Hes earned back his freedom

by serving his time

By far alot wiser

about dancing with crime.

I look forward to a visit

from my long ago mate,

We’ll reminisce on the old days

I can’t bloody wait.





Judge, jury and executioner…

So you met me once.

You spent five minutes in my company.

That was almost ten years ago.


That gives you the right to judge me?


In my time of devastation and heartbreak,

You judged me loudly.


How does it feel to be you?

Sitting high and mighty

on your self acclaimed pedestal… 

Are you content with your life?

Do you like who you are?

I want to wish my pain on you

But I wouldn’t wish this for anyone.

I want to hate you, and kick you, if you ever meet your downfall.

Kick you right in the heart…

The reality is that I wouldn’t do what you did to me

I’m a bigger person than that.

I want to be able to forgive you.

But I’m not actually that big.



I met you once.

I spent five minutes in your company.

Almost ten years ago.

You have no right to judge me.

Fellow followers…

Do you ever wonder about your followers?blogging

What they look like?  Where they live?

What they do inbetween reading posts?


I like to think my followers get me.

I don’t have to explain my thoughts because they are already understood.

My past is accepted and my future eagerly awaited.

What I think and feel matters.


. ..Friends indeed.

images (6)It’s 1.24am & a knock on my door starts the dog barking…    2 friends stand on my porch, their red eyes & glowing with happiness.  “Come in” I say, and they enter my home with green pockets & grins..   We sprawl out in the lounge & begin a most amusing chit chat session – about everything, and nothing, & rectangle racehorse stuff.

…It is now half an hour later .    With dry throats the talking continues, & it’s all quite funny & sordid .. .