Alcohol isn’t her friend…

Connors outside eating weeds,

Paige is cooking dinner.

Nix drinks gin at lightening speeds,

then starts behaving like a spinner.

The spinner earns a kicking out,

Her welcome overstayed..

She’s a disrespectful, slurring lout,

Who should stick to lemonade.


Nicola Sooks…

Here she goes again,

With the sympathy cry

“Poor me, life’s hard,

I’m a victim, Got a fry…?”

Crocodile tears

and a dropped bottom lip,

she blabs everyone’s business

with a big shoulder chip.

The self pity goes on

like a record that’s stuck.

The pick-pocket liar


“Why does life suck…”


Hell of an Angel…

He’s made up his mind.

He doesn’t want help

of the medical kind.

He’s ready to rest.

His eyes say goodbye.

He won’t take his pills

He’s ready to die.

A colourful life

Lived hard everyday.

He’s exhausted now.

He’s just fading away.

Grownup stuff..

I like my knives and forks to be tidy

inside the knives and forks drawer.


My coffee cups matter too.

Upside down on the shelf

facing the same direction.


I never mix my peg colours.

They have to match each other.

These things feel important to me.

Being an adult is much less exciting than I thought it was going to be…


Own worst enemy…

Stacey’s Brain is full of worms.

Her nasty mouth

spits verbal germs.

She’s “the only one whose right”.

To disagree will start a fight.

Too much time is on her hands,

bone idle, bludging, food demands.

A closet bag, she sits and fries,

“Iv got manners” and other lies.

Stacey’s brain is full of rot,

offending every friend she’s got.



I wish we had elastic walls.

The space we’d have is plenty.

No clutter everywhere I look,

Perhaps a guest room, sometimes empty.

I wish we had elastic walls,

I’d love to have a craft space.

No projects piled underfoot,

No projects piled out of place.

We haven’t got elastic walls.

Our house is bursting at the seams.

Clutter piled everywhere.

It’s even piled in my dreams…

Unexpected trigger…

I passed a hearse as I was driving home from work last night.   Out of the blue, memories came flooding back…   I remembered your hearse.  It was white; I chose white for your hearse.  It seemed appropriate because you were “still a little girl”…

I remembered that conversation with the funeral home director as I was driving home from work last night, and the tears started pouring out of me.

I cried so hard that the road was blurry.  I heard my sobbing as I was driving along, and I relaxed and cried my heart out.

Before you died, I told you I would cry forever.  But the truth is that I spend most of my time holding the hurt in.  Holding my tears in.  Being strong.  Allowing myself to live somewhere between blocking you from my thoughts, and not forgetting you for a single second.

It’s almost 8 years since you died.  Since I crashed the car that you died in.    My life has gone on, but yours ended that day.

That’s not fair.

I passed a hearse as I was driving home from work last night.



An unexpected trigger.

Bad books…

I’m sleeping over,

Iv been run out of home.

It’s the doghouse for me,

My friends spare bed’s on loan.

I can’t shut my mouth,

I have opinions to say.

So I’m back in his bad books,

And sent on my way.

On the run…

The Angel digs his heels in,

and runs off with his brothers.

Left behind, I do not mind,

This time away from others.

My temper’s blown over.

The air is calm and clear.

When the Angel’s finished running,

he’ll come home,

and I’ll be here.


I have begun to hate you…

The way you sit on your high horse,

thinking you’re without fault,

while everyone around you competes for the best position

to kiss your fat ass.

I have begun to hate you…

Your slobbish, and grotty habits,

that make it a full time, despicable job,

for which you practically need a team of cleaners

attached to your heels

every minute of every day and night,

merely to keep the place clean-ish.

I have begun to hate you…

The snide remarks about me to (the constant stream of) visitors,

designed to make everybody laugh,

while a tiny bit more of my self esteem

shrivels up and abandons me.

I have begun to hate you.

Insecure seeds…

I’m feeling insignificant,

a loving word is all I need.

He’s far to hard to give me that,

And my insecurities breed…

Over-thinking holds me hostage,

there’s no mercy on myself.

A loving word from him is all I need,

To soothe my mental health.




Don’t lie.

I see more than you know.

You can’t keep your pants up,

your dick runs the show.

I’m disappointed.

I’m hurt.

I thought you were strong.

But you’re nothing so special.

About you, I was wrong.




Monday (hindsight)



Nothing to show.

A house half vaccummed,

half the grass had a mow.

Resented by my teenager,

contempt is coming from my man.

I need to shake my focus,

and have faith in who I am.








Coffee and a cigarette.

My day begins.

The teenage girl fluffs in front of the mirror,

looking beautiful.

Eyes roll as I tell her so.

The house is falling down around me.

Chaos reigns.

The unemployment line waits for me.

I’ll do that tomorrow.

I wonder what today will bring…












When Stella lost her mojo,images (2)

the colours turned to gray.

She roamed the streets of Limbo,

she forgot to laugh and play.

Her shed became a hidey hole,

her projects gathered dust.

In that smoke filled room,

Stella sat with her gloom,

and picked holes in herself with disgust.



Thank you for the first line M8M8. Xx


Misunderstand me…

I’m not asking for forgiveness.

I stand by what is done.

Don’t wait for an apology,

I won’t be giving one.

I asked to face our troubles,

to compromise and share.

Silence was your answer.

No single word of care.

I’m sorry this has happened.

I’m sad we’ve lost our flame.

But you misunderstand me,

I’m not fully to blame.


Apple of my eye…

Her visit to my dreams that night,

bestowed a treasured gift.

She saw my eyes had lost their light,

downhill my life did drift.

“I love you mum,

please carry on, and live the life I can’t.

I love you still and always will,

forgiveness, you must grant”.

I drove the car that crashed that day,

the accident was mine.

My precious daughter lost her life,

to forgive is too divine.

“My Darling girl,

your life I took, that fact will always be.

But I’ll live for you, if one more time,

you’ll put your arms around me…” .

She threw her arms around my neck,

she held me close and tight.

She whispered love,

and wiped my tears…

She sat with me all night.

When morning came, I woke alone,

she didn’t answer to my cries.

But the mirror showed the gift she left…

A light was in my eyes.


Goodbyes and highs…


The sun came out this morning,

it was shining from my eyes.

I woke, anticipating,

a fat pocket full of highs.

I’m gonna numb out all the sadness,

I’ll fill my world up with false light.

Ignoring those who judge me…

cos unbroken hearts don’t have that right…


Like a stone…

What can I say when the words won’t come?

The pain just sits in my heart like a giant weight,

that keeps on growing…

How do I cry when my tears have dried up?

Emotions are stuck in my throat,

like lumps.

I’ve been strong for so long,

through my grief,

I’ve gone on…

But now I feel cold,

like a stone.




You used to be my rock,

you were my anchor to the ground.

These days you’re still my rock,

you are a weight that holds me down.

You used to be my comfort,

you held me tight when Bryer died.

These days I beg your comfort,

to soothe my battered, broken pride.

You used to give me strength,

during my darkest, weakest time.

These days I waste my strength,

on all the eggshells I must climb.

Enough is enough.


I lie…

I tell the world that I’m ok,

a well placed smile hides my lie.

My pain is deeply locked away

till we’re alone, my grief and I.

It’s not myself that I’m deceiving,

to understand you’d have to know….

My childs death I’m always grieving,

my broken heart won’t let me go.









No matter what…


You’re always in my thoughts,

no matter what I’m doing.

I feel you beside me sometimes…

In my wishes.

I hold tight to every single memory I have of you,

Such treasures.

I looked through our photo box yesterday.

Your face smiled up at me the whole time,

until I couldn’t bear it anymore…

I had to put the lid back on.


I remember every freckle on your body

Your body that was so like mine.

I’m so sorry Bryer.

I still cry every day.

I cry for the life you lost.

I cry because I miss you – more than words can express.

I cry for you.

I have to believe I will see you again.

But, until that day comes,

you’ll always be in my thoughts, Baby.

No matter what I’m doing.









Take it or leave it…

It’s time we have a little chat,

about a rule of mine…

I want a man who’s not a rat,

knows where to draw the line.

I’ve grown strong, I know my worth,

and I’ll stand proudly by your side…

But I tell you there’s no way on Earth,

I’ll keep a man who lied.

If other women grace your bed,

I have the right to know.

No garden path will I be led,

where love and trust don’t grow.

So tell me now, if you I share,

so I can fairly choose…

I won’t accept a sneak affair,

I promise, me, you’ll lose.

Being honest is the only cost,

to make sure I don’t leave.

For what we have will all be lost,

if tangled webs you weave.



Insecure Me…

It’s an insecure evening,

why aren’t you answering your phone?

My imagination’s wild,

it’s got a mind all of its own.

Yesterday was warm with love,

tonight I’m frozen out.

Every time we get too close,

you fuel my self doubt.

It’s an insecure evening,

I need to know that you still care…

Just acknowledge that I called you,

cos your silence is unfair.

There for me…

I can count on your service

when I find myself stranded.

I can rely on your help

when I’m caught out short-handed.

You’re the first one in armour,

proud to fight my defence.

When it comes to my honour,

you will spare no expense.

I’m blessed you’re around,

to guide and advise.

I’m lucky I’m loved

by a person so wise.


