I’m breathing today…

Don’t fret about me,

I’m doing ok.

I understand that you’re worried,

but I’m grieving my way.

I need to keep busy

or my thoughts start to stray,

I’d sit and dwell if I let me,

but coulda, shoulda won’t pay.

Drugs are a blessing

I’ll damn well numb what I may,

Take a walk wearing my shoes

before having your say.

I understand that you’re worried,

but grief is different each day.

I love you for caring.

I’m doing ok.

Scare tactics…

You cannot force my love

You won’t keep me with a scare

I don’t respect your anger

I refuse to live in fear.

I can’t be always wrong

You can’t control the way I feel

I won’t surrender to your violence

This time we’re over.

This time, for real.



Holier than thou…

Gods gift to the world

demands centre stage.

It has to go his way,

or it’s the highway to rage.


Stamping his feet

he throws his weight round,

giving lectures for hours

he likes hearing his sound.


A well practiced charmer

with the women he chooses,

his affection’s the prize,

it’s his girlfriend who loses.




Drama Queen…

A guest arrives, oh, just my luck

my visitor is Madam Muck!

She walks red carpet

(in her head)

one ego, truly overfed.

God’s greatest gift is her, she thinks

She’s well convinced her shit don’t stink.

An hour will with ease suffice

for her to show she isn’t nice.

Cos true beauty isn’t pretty skin,

it’s measured from your heart within.

The poster girl from glamour mag,

is really just a glittered hag.



Our tension lingers

in the air,

while Grand central station

is visiting.



I’m stuck inside myself.

Distant and sad.

Caught up in the hurt

of loss.


Rush hour ends.

Deep breaths.

Beer o’clock

Drained emotions.


In bed with Mary,

Smoking mellow habit.

Sadness easing.

Time for sleep.


Memories of Bryer…


Today I opened a box full of memories

and the first thing I saw

was your beautiful face

smiling up at me…Bryer.



It’s been two and a half years

since I saw your smile.

How have I survived so long…

when my heart died

with you.



The runaround…

My phone beeps…

Yet another text from you.

“Yes, I do have plans sorry”  I reply.

You’re persistent, but I’m not cancelling anything for you.

Afterall, that’s how it works between us, isn’t it?

It’s funny how the middle of the night was the only time you could find to visit me while I was on home detention.

You seem to have found unlimited daylight hours for me now though.

Yes, I learnt a lot about you during my year at home…

Now it’s your turn to learn something about me.

Trouble maker…

Tushita’s stirring shit again,

she thinks nobody knows.

The manipulating madam,

is gonna reap more than she sow’s.

Her pretty face and soft sweet voice

is all a clever pose,

if she’s being super nice to you

then you’re the target that she chose.

This time her plans will ricochet,

herself, she will expose.

Pride always comes before a fall

Her stirring reign draws to a close.

Let me go…

My anklet is off.

I’m free, I’m free!

Still, you had to turn my world upside down again.

You had to suck the pleasure right out of my freedom.

You left me with no option.

I had to do what was best for me…

I packed a bag, and skipped town.

For the first time in over a year,

I went away.

I got to breathe the sea air.

I got to relax with someone I trust.

I laughed.  I drank.

I was merry.

It felt good to get away.

It felt good to get home again.

I feel recharged.

I feel peaceful and energetic.

I need you to let me go now.

Home detention…

I only have four sleeps to go.

My anklet comes off in 96 hours.


What a year it’s been!!

The judge gave me a sentence of time.

Time to reflect.

Time to grieve.

Time to accept.

I haven’t gone crazy being stuck at home.

My mind is in a better place than this time last year.

I still cry everyday.

But I’ve begun to live everyday again too.


He said, she said.

They have lots to say

Commentating my life

In a despicable way.

The facts aren’t important

when spreading a tale

The more drama the better

Juicy telling’s never stale.

My life sounds amazing

Wild antics galore

The grapevine will tell you

what I said, did,

and more.

I sit back and laugh

when I hear what I do.

I’d rather be living


than sit talking of you.















It’s always there.

Even when I’m preoccupied with the task at hand,

the grief is never far.

I’ve become used to the weight of it now.

I’ve learnt how to distract myself from it.

I’ve learnt how to live with the agony.

Most of the time…

It’s always there though.

Gravy train…

Row, row, row your own boat

stand on your know-it-all feet.

Stop riding coat tails

and pay your own way

Quit shitting on all who you meet.


You’re big enough to be a dad,

to a baby you don’t even raise

Gods gifts don’t work – you can’t juggle a job

with a full time career in self praise.


No-one is impressed by you

You’re shameful to your blood

Anyone could be a man

If ‘man’ meant unfussy stud.

Age gap appropriate


My boyfriend is older than me.

Much older.

It doesn’t seem right to even call him my ‘boyfriend’.

His age of 54 gives him a 20 year head start on me.

No, he isn’t a father figure to me.

No, I’m not a gold digger.

Three years down the track, and we still don’t live together

We probably never will.

I have come to terms with that.

I am four years older than his oldest child

He is four years younger than my Dad

Yet somehow we gel together.


Our age gap doesn’t exist where it counts.

Bryer was here…

My eldest daughter was only twelve when I killed her.

It was a cold Saturday morning, and my youngest daughter had just finished playing netball, she was grumpy because her team had lost, and she was arguing with her sister about sitting in the front seat.

“Muuum!”  my oldest girl moaned “It’s MY turn!”

I lost my temper “That’s enough you two!  I’m sick of the fighting! It’s Bryers turn in the front and that’s that!”

Both girls stopped arguing and jumped into the car and put their seat belts on.  We left the netball courts and began the long drive home.  I started feeling sorry for growling them, so I stopped at a bakery and brought treats for the drive home.   Back on the road again, I smiled at my oldest daughter as I handed her a piece of cake,  I then passed my youngest daughter hers in the backseat.  I only took my eyes off the road for a split second when I heard the crunch of gravel as our car started veering off the road, I quickly swerved the steering wheel to straighten us up, but I must have swerved too hard, and our car started fish-tailing out of control.  It all happened so fast, yet so slowly at the same time.  I remember feeling our car spinning across the road, and I remember seeing another car driving towards us.  I don’t remember the bang of our car hitting the other car.   I don’t remember the first few minutes after the crash.

The first thing I remember is realizing that I was sitting in the back seat, witness’s said I climbed out of my door and into the back seat to check my youngest daughter. Her leg was trapped, and she had a huge hole above her eye, other than that she was conscious and calm.   No-one knows if I checked my eldest girl in the passenger seat, and to this day it haunts me that maybe I didn’t…

I remember the police and ambulance arriving, followed by a firetruck to cut my daughters out of our car.

The next half hour is a blur to me.

A police officer came and told me that the rescue helicopter was on its way to take my daughters to hospital, I would go in an ambulance – I was in shock and didn’t fully comprehend how serious their injuries were.

I remember being in the ambulance, when suddenly I felt something break inside of my heart – that’s the best way I can describe it – something died inside of me…   I started to panic, “Bryer has died”  I said to the ambulance officer in the back with me “She’s died, she’s died”     He tried to calm me down, but couldn’t, so in the end he asked the driver to radio the helicopter…

The reply finally came back that no she hadn’t died, but she was in a serious condition.   I couldn’t calm down though – I knew what I had felt.

We got to hospital and my girls were already in surgery.  I was put through various tests while a nurse picked bits of glass out of me.  The whole time I was crying to know what was happening with my children – I knew Bryer had died, but they kept telling me both girls were alive and in surgery.  They kept giving me hope.

Hours passed, and my injuries were treated while my girls were in surgery.  I had a broken rib and bruised lung and severe bruising on my brain.  It took fifteen stitches to close the wound on my chin up.

No-one would tell me what was happening with my children.

Finally I was wheeled into a room, and I saw my ex-husband there, holding my eldest daughters hand

“It’s a farce” he said “She’s already gone”.   He was crying and crying, but I was numb, I just looked at her.

She didn’t have a scratch on her beautiful face, It took many months before I was able to understand how she could be gone when I couldn’t see any injuries.   I still don’t understand why they gave me hope, even though I already knew that she had died.

The impact of the crash had caused Bryer’s seat belt to perforate her lung, stopping oxygen from getting to her brain.     Her brain had died in the helicopter.  The doctors fought to save her, but Bryer’s injuries were too severe.

With our consent, the doctor turned the machine that was keeping Bryer’s heart beating off, and her official time of death is 6.11pm.

My youngest daughter received a broken wrist, and eighty stitches put her face back together  (two and half years later and the scar is barely noticeable).

I was charged with driving on an expired licence, and sentenced to one year home detention.

I am nearly at the end of my sentence now – my official sentence, that is.    Everyday I cry for my beloved daughter and wish she could forgive me.  Everyday I live, knowing that it should have been me who died, and knowing that I can’t ever forgive myself.


I’ve been dreaming about you Baby,

You seem happy and peaceful.

Your hair has grown long, since I last saw you.

You’re full of hugs and smiles towards me.

Does that mean you forgive me?

Is it me that is unable to forgive myself?


Sometimes I really believe that I can feel you near me.

But mostly, the emptiness around me is solid and absolute.

Every day I lose more hope

as the reality sets deeper in my heart.


I know that only memories and boxes now remain, where you once existed.

You yourself, are forever gone.

The last straw…


It takes a lot of courage to stop the cycle of misery.

Admitting how bad it is, and asking for help isn’t an easy thing.

Pride struggles with accepting support and care from friends.

Questioning yourself weakens determination…


“Where things really as bad as they seemed at the time..?”



Things really were that bad.


It’s scary how easy it is to just give up, and return to the cycle.

It takes a lot of courage to break away from the cycle of misery.

I’m so proud of the steps you are taking, my friend.

You are not alone.

We are not “us”…

I dropped a question by surprise

and worry flickered in your eye’s 

 as you quickly thought up liesliar

to back up other past denies.



You’re fooled to think I’m none the wise,

that I’d ignore instinctive cries.

The you I loved I now despise,

Dishonest words brought our demise.

The Mulberry bush…


Around and around we go, stuck on the same song.



Things coast along nicely for a week or two,

then you back off me, suddenly.

For the next few weeks, your visits are far and few between,

and always well after midnight…

I don’t hear from you at all, outside of odd booty calls.

I begin to feel hurt and angry.

It bothers me to the point of misery,

so I decide it’s time I let go of you.

But as I reach my breaking point,

you turn on your charm…

You have time for me.

I feel attractive to you.

I feel wanted, loved and important.

I let my guard down.

Things coast along nicely for a week or two…


And around we go,  stuck on the same song.

The lack of us…

Where is the effort you promised?

Where is the regret you expressed?

Where is the love you declared?


I see nothing that encourages me.

I hear empty words being spoken.

I feel bitterness growing in my heart.


Is this your idea of togetherness?

Am I supposed to settle for less than to be happy?

Should we not let go of what is already gone?

Pulling myself together…


…And so begins a new day.

A day to hold my head high, and thus rescue my pride.

A day to busy my hands, in the hope that my thoughts will busy themselves too.

A day to surround myself with smoke, a coping mechanism.


Deal breaker…

Fury:  A red hot desire to scream your head off while smashing everything that reminds you of the offender into little pieces.

 Heartache:  Trying so hard not to cry, and being unable to help it.

Denial:  Hoping the offender will arrive with a perfectly good explanation that proves their innocence and devotion.

Humiliation:  The wish to hide forever, because everybody probably knew all along how gullible you are.

Dignity:  Desperately trying to control the above emotions so as not to attract sympathy or I-told-ya-so’s.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

You’re nasty to me.Walking on Eggshells


mostly you’re kind

I know your heart’s soft,  down deep inside

I like hearing you laugh, we share jokes to and fro

then out of the blue, your anger does blow

I feel so small and scared and weak

whatever I say you class as cheek.

I don’t want to leave cos we’ve been through so much

So I’ll patiently wait til love’s back in your touch…

Boss of me…

You scare me when we fight.

I stop knowing who you are.

I’ve learnt to still my smart mouth

But that doesn’t get me far.


I’m wrong to disagree with you

no self defense from me.

How dare I walk out of the room

Disrespect is what you see.

You call me names

You mock my tears

You pretend it’s time to hit

You’re thrice my size and much more strong

You scare me out of shit.


Then off you storm in cold hard rage

I’m sobbing out my eyes.

The silent treatment takes the stage

Til I apologize.



Zip it.

A worn out welcome hovers

around the house guest that doesn’t leave.

At ‘goodbye’ time,

the tears begin…

“What have I done wrong?”


‘Leaving time’ doesn’t usually mean you’ve done something wrong,

But seeing as you ask….


A moments peace would have been nice, while you stay here

in my own home.

You talk about nothing.

Then you talk about talking about nothing.

My ears are sore from your nonstop yapping.

You talk too much 

for someone as used to the quiet as I am.

My head is done in,

and it’s time for you to go home.

Save your tears for someone else’s ears.


Things would be different

if just once,

for just one minute,

you would just zip it!







Judge, jury and executioner…

So you met me once.

You spent five minutes in my company.

That was almost ten years ago.


That gives you the right to judge me?


In my time of devastation and heartbreak,

You judged me loudly.


How does it feel to be you?

Sitting high and mighty

on your self acclaimed pedestal… 

Are you content with your life?

Do you like who you are?

I want to wish my pain on you

But I wouldn’t wish this for anyone.

I want to hate you, and kick you, if you ever meet your downfall.

Kick you right in the heart…

The reality is that I wouldn’t do what you did to me

I’m a bigger person than that.

I want to be able to forgive you.

But I’m not actually that big.



I met you once.

I spent five minutes in your company.

Almost ten years ago.

You have no right to judge me.

Suspicious minds…

The best form of defense, is offence.

My man sometimes goes away for a night or three for “business”.    I’d have to be blind not to notice how every time – without fail – his son, or daughter come and park their butts on my couch for the entire duration of his “trip”.   I actually adore his kids, but I can tell the difference between their social visits to me, and their visits that have another explanation behind them…

I’m being babysat.

I know it isn’t because they love my company that much…

I doubt it’s because my safety is at risk  (every time!)…

I think it’s his way of making sure I don’t screw around while he’s out of town…


I don’t know what to think about that.  Should I be offended that he thinks I would do that to him?

Should I be flattered that he’s worried about losing me?

Should I worry that he has a guilty conscience,  which makes him suspicious of mine?

Eleven weeks and four days to go…

Time doesn’t exist in this now

Counting down weeks

Completion is in sight

A sentence will end

  The sentence has begun

                                                  Wishing to turn back days

                                                  Willing nights to hurry past

                                                  Dreaming of just one more moment


Ashes to ashes…


Contents of a wooden box,

waiting patiently until love can let go.


Dreaming of the wind,

A vague recollection of leaves

dancing in time to the sound of musical chimes.

Distant memories of hair blowing wildly

against the skin of a cheek.

Caresses of a warm breeze

echoing in a half lost memory.


Final remnants of unconditional love

suspended in time, until acceptance settles,

enabling the strength to scatter lost hopes

and dreams.

Time flies…


Puffing away on a crystal orb,

Searching for the elusive high…

Feet that won’t leave the ground,

Accepting frustration, no sting in sight

I turn away from the bowl….



Mary-Jane watches my desperate dance,

She smiles, and takes my hand.

We twirl together, in time to the music playing in my head,

tapping our toes to the tune.

Watching the hours wave, on their way pass…

I’m still the same me…

Why do you keep ringing and visiting me?

Me, who is chopped liver in your life…

I’m still the same person that you said you’re sick of.

I’m still the same me that you can’t be bothered touching.

I haven’t changed.charming

Why are you being so nice to me?

I backed off and accepted the end – like you wanted me to.

I left you alone and got on with my life.

So why are you still ringing and visiting me?

You can be very charming when you want to be.

I haven’t seen your charm for a long time…

I can feel myself wanting to relax and trust you again.

It’s very tempting…

But I’m still the same me, you know…